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NOT TO WORK - Earning without working

What am I really working for?

Robert Kiyosaki in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” had long ago talked about the concept of Passive income. Passive income is that income which gets generated even when you do not work, like rental, interest or royalty income. When Passive income is more than your total expenses then you have created the choice of NOT TO WORK. At this stage one works not out of compulsion but out of choice. The current Covid Pandemic has made us aware that we need to reduce our dependency on earned income sooner than later.

Coming back to my earlier question – What am I really working for? One of the unconscious goals is to achieve NOT TO WORK. Retirement Planning took a very prominent place in our lives. Today we cannot afford to wait till retirement. We need to be prepared as early as possible. We must decide today! about that date in the future when we want to create this choice. Plan today! with the help of an advisor on how you can achieve this. To help you get some clarity we have put up the NOT TO WORK calculator on our website

Do embark on this journey of creating your NOT TO WORK capital.

Lazarus Dias, MBA Finance, CIS, CPFA, RFC, CLC, MSLC

Trainer, author of 4 books

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